Friday, October 16, 2009

Delivering moods

Last night, I saw the movie ( Julie & Julia ), the latest piece of art for Meryl Streep. it's about Julia Child the famous cook and how she struggled to do what she liked , and how her overwhelming personality influenced a young lady after decades to do what she also enjoyed, cooking.

inspired by the movie , my friends and I went to ( PAUL ) cafe , seeking a french dessert we were speaking about the movie and how it provokes you to search inside you finding what you are good at, and start doing it with love.

I have been asking myself this question for so long ( what am I good at ? ) what would I do if life goes back 15 years ago ? searching for what I liked among all what I have done in my entire life, I found that I was good at delivering moods, I can easily create a theme or surrounding atmosphere and experienced that when at my work , as I am architect / interior designer.

I thought of using the 'delivering mood' skill to describe the daily life I am having here in Dubai. It won't be a daily report , but I'll be telling the situation / story the way I feel it, delivering my impression towards it.

I chose the subject of Life in Dubai as this city is really inspiring, people from all nations , cultures , ages , religions are meeting each other and dealing on daily basis . The stories coming out of this mix are countless. and here we start . . .